My Reading Corner

Lonika Chande

For London-based interior designer and lover of colourful, characterful spaces, Lonika Chande, being at home not only symbolises a time to recuperate with her family, but also a continued opportunity to soak in perhaps her most carefully curated space to date. Balancing creativity with dedication and an eye for detail, her approach to interior design is one that is not afraid to shy away from rich colours and playful textures, mixing new, vintage and antique pieces with carefully curated art, books and other treasures to create spaces that feel comforting to their core. We checked in with Lonika to learn more about the most-loved parts of her home, how she decides which pieces make their way through her door, and the items at the top of her Glassette lust list.

Many of us have spent more time at home than ever before over the last two years. How has your relationship to home changed in recent times? 

I have always been a home bird as it’s where I feel at my happiest, so it didn’t change things in that respect. I think because I had two babies during this time, home was inevitably somewhere I spent a great deal more time, regardless of lockdown.. We also came to realise during this period that we had physically outgrown our much loved first home together, and so it also marked a new chapter as we have recently moved.  

Tell us about a moment in everyday life at home that brings you pure joy… 

A drink with my husband on the sofa at the end of a long week. Ideally, a strong negroni served with olives and some Bombay mix.

When you have time off, how do you start your days at home? 

A slow breakfast with my children. It’s never a very relaxing affair but joyful nonetheless. Jam, butter, toast and lots of coffee.

If your home was a fictional character, who would it be and why?

It’s currently like something out of Roald Dahl, The Twits, bedraggled and in need of a bit of an overhaul, but its moment will hopefully come eventually. Despite this, it still feels like home.

When you’re away from home, what are the three things you look forward to most about coming back home? 

My own bed, always. My husband’s puttanesca – it’s pure comfort food, and a long hot evening bath.

You must come across so many beautiful objects and pieces of furniture around the world through your work. How do you decide which objects make their way into your home? 

I think lots of practice sourcing special pieces for others definitely helps me know when something fits into that category, whether it’s an impulse market purchase, or something you can’t stop thinking about over the years until eventually you take the plunge. It can also make you a bit more picky at the same time! 

Last book you got lost in: 

My Brilliant Friend by Eleanor Ferrante

Favourite song to wash the dishes to?

It varies, but currently The Walk by Mayer Hawthorne or You Ain’t The Problem by Michael Kiwanuka.

Favourite restaurant in the world: 

Ida in Queen’s Park, where we used to live- I have such happy memories of that place. Otherwise, Moro or Fischer’s, a Viennese brasserie in Marylebone which has great old school charm.

You can swap houses with anyone in the world, who do you choose and why? 

Right now, probably someone who lives in a beautiful rambling old house in the English countryside. We have recently got back from a few weekends away visiting family and friends, and it’s making me feel the pull of the countryside- something I never thought possible as a devout Londoner.

Proudest moment in your career so far: 

Having my home featured in House & Garden and winning the award for interior design talent.

Your most treasured piece of furniture: 

Can I say most treasured piece of art?! A huge still oil painting of tropical fruit painted by my mother, Lucy Dickens, that hangs above our dining table. Otherwise, a sweet little armless sofa that sits in our bay window at home that I had covered in one of my most favourite fabrics – Décor Barbares, Dans La Foret.

Follow Lonika: @lonikachande

Lonika's Reading Corner Favourites: